Implementing a Web 2.0 Tool
Previously, I spoke about how Microsoft Tools is a great web 2.0 tool for any organization. The questions at hand are: What does implementation look like? How do you get everyone using one tool in the same way? I start with how I discovered this tool and go over how I would design a plan to increase communication and collaboration in your organization.
The backstory of self-discovering
March 2020 impacted everyone, especially my group of graphic designers. When the directions came that everyone needed to work from home, besides thinking of personal supplies, I was concerned about how my team would work solo; we are a very collaborative group that relies on each other at a moment's notice. How would we solve quick problems that arose in our daily schedules? Microsoft Teams was presented to the team to maintain communication and collaboration, my two primary goals. Quickly, I was presented with some links to videos to get familiar with how it worked while our computers were installed with software. As the years have passed, we are back in the office, still using teams to manage our communication and project collaboration; this tool has proved to be for the long-term.
The Design of an Implementation Plan
The training uses constructivism as a guide due to its strengths in active and creative problem-solving, motivation, engagement, and responsibility (Clark, 2018). The recommended process for using Microsoft Teams in your department includes the following:
Create a department channel including sub-house menu topics related to your department's needs or projects.
Demonstrate to employees' expectations of how to operate communication and collaboration within Microsoft Teams channels.
A critical factor in influencing success in learning is student engagement, in this case, the management team (Ornelles et al., 2019). Department managers will work with a facilitator leading a group training channel. The managers will experience team usage through prompts, scenarios, and reenactments as if their employees are using teams, as illustrated by the training facilitator. In every engagement experience, cheerful tones and outcomes are reinforced through "achievement, satisfaction, and retention." (Kahu et al., 2015, p. 481).
How Mobile can be applied
The final step of the training is how Microsoft Teams can be integrated into your cell phone. Due to its cloud-based system, your device can be synced in real-time to your work computer and, therefore, instantly connected to the employees. The mainframe and channels remain the same, making it more accessible to transfer how it's used. The management team will be trained and experienced through facilitator reinforcement. Similar to how mobile learning makes learning more accessible and ensures permanent learning, using it in the workplace illustrates how both methods are concerned with keeping up with the times (Qarkaxhja et al., 2012, p. 89).
Ethical dilemmas could challenge the implementation plan. For example, the management teams have company-issued cell phones at no cost. Employees only have personal cell phones at their expense. This could cause an issue regarding storage cost, access, and usage (American College of Education, 2023). Therefore, employees should not be required to add the Microsoft Team apps to their phones. Policies should be established stating this and examples of how teams should be used for communication and collaborative methods. To avoid an unhappy employee utilizing the platform to express grievances unprofessionally. Another important factor is why management support and training to counter negative uses is essential. Finally, the management team will be instructed on how to introduce this to their employees.
The pandemic may have forced the world to be more digital, but it did not come with a manual. Now is the time for the Administrators and Executives of any organization to take a step and review what works for communication and collaboration. Mobile and web 2.0 devices are great tools to manage remote and on-site employees. Almost every organization has a method of communicating; researching and investigating its impact can affect morale, employee relations, and belief in the company. Therefore, it provided a strong return on investment.
American College of Education. (2023). DL5763 Trends in Instructional Design: Module 5
[Mobile Learning]. Benefits and Challenges of Mobile Technologies.
Clark, K. (2018). Learning Theories: Constructivism. Radiologic Technology, 90(2), 180–182.
Kahu, E., Stephens, C., Leach, L., & Zepke, N. (2015). Linking academic emotions and student
engagement: Mature-aged distance students' transition to university. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 39(4), 481-497.
Microsoft. (2022). "What Is Microsoft Teams?",
Ornelles, C., Ray, A. B., & Wells, J. C. (2019). Designing online courses in teacher education to
enhance adult learner engagement. International Journal of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, 31(3), 547–55.
Qarkaxhja, Y., Kryukova, N. I., Cherezova, Y. A., Rozhnov, S. N., Khairullina, E. R., &
Bayanova, A. R. (2021). Digital transformation in education: Teacher candidate views on mobile learning. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 16(19), 81–93.